At the beginning of October 2024, Boy With a Ball embarked on a transformative partnership with SubSplit, a Tennessee-based private equity firm. SubSplit specializes in acquiring and managing companies, known as OpCos, in the electrical, plumbing, and mechanical engineering sectors across the nation with a twist:  Their businesses focus not just on building profits but city changing missional impact as well.

SubSplit has created a formal relationship with Boy With a Ball to gather, equip, and launch missional-minded employees within their businesses, nurturing a culture of care for their coworkers, neighbors, and city. Our journey together has begun with an OpCo in Dallas— a city that stands at the forefront of our BWAB teams’ expansion in the U.S. We are now working to recruit passionate staff members within the business who are eager to grow in their faith and understand that their workplaces are vital mission fields for participating in others coming to know Jesus.

Boy With a Ball will serve as the fractional Chief Missions Officer within these companies, and we will collaborate with SubSplit and OpCo leadership to design and implement an overall approach to missional impact utilizing KPIs and OKRs to show measurable results. This endeavor is filled with potential, as we believe in the exponential growth that occurs when employees view their workplaces as “Kingdom Posts,” empowered by the heart of God and the Holy Spirit to reflect Jesus' life and ministry to everyone they encounter, including coworkers.

Our shared vision is to align this program with the business and missional objectives of SubSplit and its OpCos, facilitating a meaningful impact on customers, coworkers, and the broader community by first building a great company and then leveraging Love Your City to extend our reach into neighborhoods and throughout the city.

We have seen how Love Your City serves as a powerful catalyst for inviting businesses into impactful community initiatives, equipping employees to make a meaningful difference. This new, innovative model fosters a company culture that resonates with a generation of workers seeking more than just a paycheck. They desire to be part of an exceptional organization that harnesses its community presence for good and that nurtures both professional skills and personal character. As a result, employee satisfaction flourishes, promoting longevity, and giving companies a competitive edge in attracting and retaining a world-class workforce. Ultimately, Love Your City positions the company at the heart of the community, creating visibility, and conveying a compelling message: The workplace is a powerful place for profit and impact.