who we are

We are a growing movement of leaders, donors, volunteers, churches, schools, and businesses who engage youth to turn and transform their cities.

core values

We believe these six values are core to everything we are and everything we do. We are part of a growing movement that brings continuous change, but these things remain the same.


We make every effort to create value in people's lives.


We submit our lives to the Lord and to one another in order to serve, support, and care for each other.


Without faith we believe it is impossible to accomplish anything.


We believe that
relationship isn't
important. It's everything.


We multiply our own impact
by teaming synergistically
with those next to us.


We stay ready and
able to learn, grow,
and change.

our partners

Communities are transformed as every part of them come together to love their city. We work together with our partners to create inspirational change.